Choosing Your Tour? - Lizard Head Cycling Guides
107 Aurum St, Box 855, Ophir, CO 81426 970.728.5891

Choosing Your Tour?

Whether you’re looking to pedal two 14,000-foot peaks, or roll along in the Texan countryside, Lizard Head Cycling has you covered.  What level cyclists are you? Let us help.

Intermediate Tours:

Glacier National Park, Tucson & Sonoran Desert, Mountains-to-Rivers Colorado (a.k.a. Brothels & Brews)

Intermediate to Advanced Tours:

Utah Mountains & National Parks, Texas Hill Country, Tour de Gila, Red Rock and New York & Vermont-Montreal

Advanced Tours:

Colorado Climbing Camp (aka: Elevation Celebration – Hands down! For the uber human, glutton-for-punishment cyclist), Colorado Cols

And remember… it’s all about cadence, patience and simply spinning. Slow and fast only exist as relative terms to other people. Speed does not matter as long as you are moving on the bike!

Don’t forget… we provide snack and lunch breaks and always an option to sit out a ride in the shuttle. On the flip side, we also offer bonus mileage on each tour for the “every inch” cyclist who really want to push themselves.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 7th, 2013 at 2:20 pm and is filed under Blog.
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