Death Valley National Park - Lizard Head Cycling Guides
107 Aurum St, Box 855, Ophir, CO 81426 970.728.5891

Death Valley National Park

Despite the warnings of Plutarch, you no longer need to beware the Ides of March. New for March 2018, Lizard Head Cycling Guides is offering a cycling tour through a region as amazing and mythical as ancient Rome – Death Valley National Park.

While Death Valley is a seemingly foreboding place, early spring is the most ideal time to visit as the days are warm and dry, and the nights are cool and clear. This is an amazing desert wonderland of extremes with below sea level salt flats to sharp mountain peaks a mile or more in altitude. Stunning mineral laden rock formations are everywhere in the park providing splashes of intense colors across the barren terrain. For the cyclist, this is a dream-like landscape of twisty roads, gentle climbs and screaming descents.

Please join us in March 2018 for our inaugural tour of Death Valley National Park as we explore this wondrous land together.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 13th, 2017 at 9:21 am and is filed under Blog.
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